Welcome to the very late March edition of the Novel Book Club. I must admit that writing about this selection, The Dinner, by Herman Koch has been a bit difficult. Mainly, this is because my feelings about it are mixed. After...
Novel Book Club, February 2013: Gone Girl

If I were married to Gillian Flynn, I might be concerned. Scratch that, I would absolutely be concerned. Well...let me just say that I might be very careful Gone Girl is not only a fantastic mystery that I was barely able to put...
Novel Book Club, January 2013: A Novel Bookstore

Welcome to the first virtual meeting of the Novel Book Club on Book Bound Saratoga. If you've read our first selection, A Novel Bookstore, fantastic! If not, no worries--read the review and discussion questions and maybe it will be your next read....
For the Love of Eli . . . and Nancy

When Nancy met Eli, they were both looking for something. Though unable to express it in words, Eli was in need of a home, of a friend and partner, of a person who could care for him and grow with...
Drowning in a Sea of Our Own Making

Parts coming-of-age story, love story, family drama, and mystery, The Drowning People has been one of my favorite books for over a decade now. It will pique your curiosity from it's first page and give you food for thought to last long...
The Head or the Heart . . . or Both?

It must be wonderful to know what you want to do with your life at a young age--at least I've always thought so. Certainly the kind of self-assurance which inspires an early career choice must be lasting. Well, not necessarily....
Upcoming Reads . . .

Have you noticed the absence of posts at Book Bound? Well they're back, and on a schedule . . . ...
Past, Present, Future: Revisted

When she accepted the teaching position a the Arcadia School in Arcadia Falls, New York, Meg Rosenthal just wanted to make a fresh start for herself and her daughter after the sudden death of her husband. In the process she...
Sometimes in life, a tool belt is required.

There are few people who haven't experienced the feeling of everything around them falling apart. As far as I can tell, there are three basic ways to deal with this situation. ...