I know it is only the middle of March, but I am thoroughly tempted to start this post by screaming, “Happy Spring!!” According to the calendar, Spring does not begin until March 20, but there’s no denying that Mother Nature has had ideas of her own this past week.

Combine the gorgeous weather with the budding of the trees and flowers, the general mood of exhilaration, and that warm sun and, well, it is almost possible to believe that there will not be any end-of-winter surprise snowstorms or frigid temps. We have had the mildest, easiest winter imaginable and, while I have missed traipsing through the snow to try to get some pretty seasonal photos, I haven’t missed it all that much. I’ve kind of enjoyed this easy winter. And now I’m ready for Spring. I even welcome the much-needed rain that I think is still predicted for much of this coming week.

However, this past weekend could not have been any more enjoyable. Sadly for me (and I’m not normally prone to pity parties), I am battling the “Head Cold from Hell.” First time I’ve been sick in over two years. My stuffy head and congested lungs have been screaming in protest because I’ve been trying to ignore this cold all weekend in favor of the gorgeous weather and a couple of Fitbit challenges that have me outside racking up the miles and footsteps.

Yesterday, I woke up and headed downtown for a 4-mile walk. I went everywhere and got a lot of pretty photos, some of which I will share here, and many more to my Frozen Moments Facebook page. Later, I had to go to S. Glens Falls to visit with the owner of Common Roots Brewery about a new project I am working on. If you haven’t been there yet, GO. The place is very cool. Since I was so close, I decided to head over to Moreau Lake State Park and build my step-count by walking around the lake. The sun was making the water sparkle and the wind was making it ripple and lap against the shore. Perfection.

Of course, last night I was exhausted and my cold really kicked me down but, as soon as I felt a little bit better this morning, I headed over to the State Park to continue my Fitbit challenge and put in a few more miles. I walked around the Hall of Springs, the Gideon, SPAC, through the park and past the golf course…considerably slower than yesterday because I was having a hard time breathing, and was choking and gagging with every step, but it was no less enjoyable. And, AGAIN, the water was sparkling under the sun. I snapped incessantly all weekend. Today’s photos were actually a little bit disappointing; I must have had my settings off by a little bit, but it did not detract from the pleasure of the walk. Not at all!

It’s funny how, with a cold, if you are up and moving (and particularly if you are outside), you can kid yourself into thinking you are feeling better and maybe this will be a really quick, easy little cold. Then you get home, sit down, and it washes over you and slaps you down in a hurry. I’ve napped both days of this weekend which is unheard of for me, but I’m hoping to be better in a couple of days. Lots to do.

Hopefully, every had an opportunity to get outside and enjoy this prelude to spring/summer in Saratoga. We could not have asked for a nicer weekend.