Well we all know there is no fountain of youth as sought by Juan Ponce de Leon. However, there are great things that can contribute to our health and well being. As I enter into my 21st year as a...
Stone in the Garden

"Stones are the bones of heaven and earth" -Chinese PhilosopherThank goodness this week delivered some much...
The Wisdom of Mr. Spock and Gardens
Back in the mid to late 1960s my Friday nights were reserved for babysitting jobs. I always had the kids in bed and settled by 9PM in time for my weekly Star Trek episode on NBC. Yes the one and...
Green Living Fences: An Alternative to Arbor Vitae Soldiers?

I have a confession to make. I am incredibly tired of seeing the overused line of arbor vitae soldiers in mass perimeters around properties. In addition to the lack of aethetics, the deer feast, winter burn and die back that...
The Case for Polinators in our Gardening Practices

During our time at New England Grows, I ran into some passionate folks engaging on behalf of gardens to save the pollinators. As I look around at the urban development in our region replacing flowering plant spaces with large...
What Can the Brian Williams Fiasco Teach Us as Gardeners

What? How does the recent situation with NBC news anchor Brian Williams relate to those of us in the green industry? As I made my way through last week's phenomenal New England Grows Conference in Boston, this story came to...
Garden Heaven at New England Grows

What a fantastic way to jump-start my 2015 garden season. I am attending the largest green industry conference and exhibition in the region this week. Hands down...my favorite workshop thus far was Jan Johnsen's, Heaven is a Garden: Designing Serene...
Birds in the Winter Garden
As the winter months go by and your outdoor garden is at rest, now is a great time to consider garden designs that will attract colorful birds next year. Although we certainly can offer food to attract our feathered...
2015 Garden Resolutions: 3.Use Your Failures to Grow and Learn

Is it live imitating gardening? Gardening imitating life? Or are they one in the same? Learning to recognize, accept, and resolve failures is a challenge in our everyday living. In gardening practices...it is no different.There is no true gardening without...
2015 Garden Resolutions: 2. Respect What Nature Hands you

Although the calendar indicates we are midway through the first month of 2015, I am continuing to list my garden New Year's Resolutions. My baby boomer brain tends to integrate concepts better when I write them down. And yes...I am...