Dear Mucho Macho Man,This is just one of 30,000 letters you'll receive from admirers--don't worry, big boy, I don't expect you to write back. You have fans from all over the world, and I'm just one little person who loves...
Artist Brian Fox’s Works Grace Walls at Siro’s for Saratoga 2014

I won't say that internationally-renowned artist, Brian T.Fox,doesn't do anything small. He's told me that he does have a series of smaller works. Tiny, compared with those to which I am used.But when I think of Brian's art, I think...
Muck Dynasty: 1 and 1a Provide Hillbilly “Charm”–and the Recipe for Tarnished Chrome.
Like so many of those who find themselves in the category, nouveau riche, the comedy team of Martin and Coburn (Perry Martin and Steve Coburn) are struggling with both their new-found fame and figuring out how to juggle that fame with fortune...
Abigail Adsit: Thoroughbred Trainer on the Rise.

The Saratoga 2014 meet is upon us, and I am always in awe of the hundreds--thousands--of people who roll into town with the horses. NYRA (the New York Racing Association) is a gigantic corporation that efficiently picks up stakes and...
To Grow Horse Racing, Feel Like a Child: Pure, Obsessive Joy.

I just heard that, when Suffolk Downs starting gate flung open for the first time in 1935--35,000 people were there for Opening Day.Wow, Suffolk Downs must've had a great Facebook page. No doubt, they tweeted every five minutes. Their webmaster was...
The Jockey Club’s Fashionable Fillies Luncheon: Eat, Drink, Bid AND Do Good for Others.

You like lunch, right?You love Saratoga, especially during racing season, yes?If you're like me, most of your days at the exquisite Saratoga Race Course are spent dressing caj, hanging with your usual posse of associates. Nothin' wrong with that: a...
CAPTAIN’S Saratoga Gala to Honor Mucho Macho Man and Wise Dan. BIG Fun.

Lots of social events in Saratoga this I'll be writing a LOT in the next couple of days. (Give you something to do on the Fourth of July--read MY stuff...right.) The Jockey Club Safety Net Foundation's Fashionable Fillies Luncheon...
Meet Horse First, Learn Wagering Second: NYRA Helps Grow Horse Racing, Saratoga 2014.

The sport of horse racing never will grow--doesn't have a snowball's chance in Hell of finding its way back to the glory days of the 1930s--as long as racing organizations and media continue to attempt to win new fans by...
Holy Bull, Thunder Gulch, Saratoga and Mommy. Sweet Dreams are Made of These.
Sometimes I have the memory of a fruitfly. Hence, I cannot recall if I've already shared this with you, my dear readers.If I have--ah, well. If not--I hope that this little tale blesses you in some way.With the Saratoga meet--and...
Horse Racing: by Far, the Best Deal in All Sports
My mind has been all a-whirl during the last two weeks. Every day as I work to outline the articles in my Belmont Journal and get them online, I remember something else that happened during Belmont Stakes Week, or someone...