Food, Inc. (Image via If your having a problem getting motivated to eat healthy now that we are going into the colder months of the year, simply print the below guide and hang it somewhere that will inspire you to...
#1 Advice for National Food Day….plus yummy Gluten Free Pumpkin Cookie Recipe
Happy belated National Food Day - which was October 24, 2011. (more info @ The purpose of this day was to promote the use of "healthy, affordable whole food produced in a sustainable, humane way." ...
Plus Additional info on deciphering if your "Nutritionist" is credible. The American Dietetic Association (ADA), the worlds' largest and oldest organizations for food and nutrition professionals with more than 72,000 members, has made a progressive shift in creating a...
THANK YOU for my Blog Statistics
I want to thank my blog viewers for your interest. The staff at - this website- has informed me that In August 2011, my blog received ...
WHO STAYS WELL…………. Who Thrives ?
Those who notice the real beauty surrounding them. Look at your animals, your flowers, the trees in the forest, the color in the sky, the great people in your life. They are all there for a reason. Do you know why...
Food IS Medicine: Foods High in Flavonoid’s Give us so Much
As we continue in this great time of year for farmers markets, vegetable gardens, there are still many delicious foods that we associate with the sunny days of summer: sweet blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, and raspberries; succulent plums, apricots, peaches,...
Fresh Summer Indian Vegetable Dish ….in 20 Minutes
Like many of my clients at the end of a work-day, last night I was too tired to cook, but wanted something nourishing for dinner. I prepared a Indian Dinner in about 20 minutes that was GREAT and...
Food Truly is Medicine
It's a great time of year to "develop a better relationship with Food". To seek fresh, local and sustainable foods such as produce and meats at the farmers markets, your local CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) Farm or local natural...
Sustainable Farming: OUR Local Community Starts to Answer the Call

My last blog included a call to the community to support expanding Sustainable Farming. This was actually an article I put out in the last issue of Ecolocal Living. I asked my readers to connect with a local farmer...
Farm To Fork……….and Local Sustainable Opportunities
This is part one of a two part article. Both were blogged on the same day. The Function of Farming Determines the Function of You The Farm -to-Fork ("Farm-to") movement is one of many programs, which is evidence of...