I usually cook quinoa in bulk as it's a healthy snack that my kids love with a little butter and sea salt. So when I'm invited to a party and need something quick I grab the quinoa and buy pre-made...
The Best Popcorn on Earth
Whenever my kids have friends over, they always ask for a snack. Not just any snack, they want our secret special amazing popcorn. I have been told a thousand times that it's the best popcorn on earth! The secret of...
5 Reasons You Must Buy a Juicer
I don't buy the green juices sold by Bare Naked. I couldn't imagine drinking carrot juice or beet juice yet I bought a Juicer ($99). My husband joked that we'd use it 10 times then it would be a lovely...
Non Stick Pans and Your Health
They say that non-stick pans are not toxic unless they are heated at 500 degrees Fahrenheit. I have to wonder when I'm baking at 350. How hot does that metal pan get? To be safe, I use parchment paper. I...
Serve your kids mixed drinks!
As a parent trying to keep kids healthy, I'm always looking for ways to reduce sugar. At the same time, I don't want them to feel deprived. So I make them mixed drinks. We invested in a soda water maker...
Natural Remedy for Itchy Private Parts for Little Girls
When my girls were little, I'd often hear how it's itchy red or irritated "down there" or in the bummy area. This was often due to poor wiping habits, or irritation from bubble baths etc.. The quickest cure was simply...
The Secret to the BEST Healthy Homemade Chicken Nuggetts
Kids are tough, they know what they like and frankly the McDonald's disgusting chicken nuggetts tastes better than yours!So let's fix that... I found the secret ingredient and it's not salt (though that helps......
Mom’s Guide to Surviving Halloween with Healthy Kids
Kids get an incredible amount of candy and junk at Halloween. My feeling is that it's part of the "everything in moderation" creed. But nothing is in moderation as the children have party after party loading them with candy then...
14 Easy and Healthy Back to School Snacks That You Don’t Have To Bake
Are you running out of ideas for healthy kids snacks? Everywhere I looked all I could find was things I had to bake! Sure, healthy fruit muffins and cookies are a winner, but sometimes you just don't have time. So...
Why fall is the perfect time to jump with your kids and the amazing health benefits!

I've heard for ages that rebounding which means jumping on a small trampoline has huge benefits for your body. So whenever my kids are "bored", I make them jump. Now that it's back to school time, there are even...