Wow, it has been a few weeks since I’ve published any posts to this blog. Time to get back on track and get busy again! I’ve been taking lots of photos and publishing my favorites to the Frozen Moments FB page, but not everyone is on FB and it’s time for me to pay some attention to those folks as well.
Obviously, the first couple of photos here are not from Saratoga, but I just returned from a wonderful weekend in Boston with some friends and the weather was so spectacular and pretty that I had to share some of my favorite shots. Temps were in the mid-60’s in Boston yesterday, the sky (as you can see) was an incredible blue, and the sun was warm. Couple that with the good company of great friends and a LOT of laughter and you know it was a good weekend.
I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but I’m almost a teensy bit sorry there is no snow on the ground and coating the trees for me to photograph. A TEENSY bit. I’m actually loving the mild winter we are having, but there’s no denying the stunning beauty of a fresh snowfall. But there has been a lot of sunshine and I have been out quite a bit taking long walks and lots of photos, and I will share some here. Many will probably be duplicates of those I have already posted on FB, but for those of you who don’t use FB or follow the page, here they are again.
These shots were taken a couple of weeks ago…the Saratoga Visitor Center and the flag in front of it blowing in the wind.

Another day, early on a Saturday morning, I walked around Congress Park and took a bunch of photos of the ducks.

And Chowderfest! If you attended this year, you were part of a record-breaking crowd…approximately 45,000-50,000 people…all out enjoying a gorgeous day and tons of great chowders. I was there and I had a blast!

And finally, just some random shots out and about…

I don’t know about anyone else, but I am loving the longer days! So much nicer to be leaving work while it is still light outside. Spring can’t be too far off…
Have a good week!