Everyone remembers exactly where they were and what they were doing when they first heard about the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center on 9/11/01. The entire world saw what was happening, and everyone was affected in some way; from the people (such as myself) who were hours and miles away, and watching...
The Beauty That is Yaddo

One of the things I like best about the Saratoga Racing Season is my ability to stop by on any given morning on my way into the office and watch the horses work out. It is such a gentle,...
Were You at the Glacier Ice Bar? I Was.

Judging from the number of photos streaming through the Facebook newsfeeds the past couple of weeks (and, to be honest, my friends and I were some of the worst offenders of excessive FB posts), it would appear that just...
How About that Crazy Weather Last Weekend?

Torrential rains, excessive fog, wind, thunder, sudden breaks of unexpected sunshine, and that double rainbow! Last Sunday, we had a little bit of everything...And I went out to see what I could photograph....
My Awesome Adventures in Amsterdam, Holland – Part I

Yep, that's me...posing in front of one of the many canals in BEAUTIFUL Amsterdam, Holland. For anyone who does not know me, work with me, or follow the Frozen Moments FB page and, therefore, may have missed my incessant...
Heading Off to Holland…If I Don’t Have a Nervous Breakdown

I'm a little worried that this might wind up being a somewhat disjointed, incoherent post, but I'm going to power through and hope for the best. Please bear with me...(And, in the meantime, I am going to fill it with...
Saratoga’s Silks and Satins 5K Run Held on 7/25/15

This past Saturday, July 25, was the 19th annual Silks and Satins 5K competition. The race, which began at the beautiful Fasig-Tipton and covered a fast, flat course around Saratoga Springs, is a yearly fundraiser for Special Olympics NY....
Pre-Dawn Magic at Saratoga National Golf Course

On this gloomy Sunday morning, I am finally getting around to posting some photos I took a couple of weeks ago when I noticed all the rolling fog contributing to what looked to be a particularly spectacular sunrise. I've...
The Sky was on Fire

I love when I am just going about my business and a beautiful moment presents itself to me. Unexpected and unplanned, many times I am unprepared to capture that moment with my camera. This past Tuesday's sunrise caused a...
Aimless Driving on a Snowy Sunday Morning

As everyone knows, this past weekend we went into Daylight Savings Time...a sure sign that spring is on its way. I decided to celebrate by heading out early Sunday morning to capture a gorgeous sunrise which was not scheduled...