Last week, you may have come to this page and found no new content!? The tragedy!! You may be wondering, “Where Oh Where Has Dr. Sarah Gone?” Don’t worry, I haven’t left you. I’ve just been prepping for an exciting and new direction for my articles, along with my amazing administrators at! Today,...
Protected: The Dangers Hidden in “Clean” Products: Why Swap?

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Are the Summertime Buggy-Boo-Hoos Getting the Best of You? Be on the Lookout for the “Most Unwanted” Creepy Crawlies and Learn How to Find Some Safe Solutions

Little Creatures, Big (Health) Problems When it comes to protecting the integrity of our blood cells and plasma, there’s more to be cautious of than just vampires. There exists various incognito “harmless” critters that go bump in the night, and creep around in the light of day. These little buggers also peer at humans...
Understanding the Importance of Philosophy for Treating the Person with Lyme Disease- Moving Beyond the Bug Killing
The Healing of the Individual I strongly believe in treating every person from an integrative and individualized perspective. This is due to several reasons. First, no one shares the same genetics, expect maybe identical twins. Still, even then, other factors such as different lifestyle patterns, diet, social support, environmental exposures, and stressors, will all...
The Status of Our Toxic World and Big Reasons to Tune-In to a Solution

I just posted my latest webinar, “Trading Harmful Chemicals with Drops of Essential (Oils) Hope.” Lately, I’ve been highlighting the dangers of our evolving body burden of toxins and the connection to essential oils and our microbiome. In my blog, I stated some recent alarming statistics on the enormity of the problem by...
Ode to Essential Oils and the Microbiome in My Brain, a Love Story: Part I

Between the explosion of information on the microbiome and scouting out research on essential oils, my brain is never bored! Learn more on how essential oils can impact our gut, the far-reaching effects of our microbiome, and why the microbiome is always in my brain! The Smell of Obsession and The Big Love...
Microbiome and Essential Oils- Never Too Much?!

Recently, I posted two articles on how essential oils may be a tool to assist someone in breaking unhealthy “addictive” patterns. In these posts, I discussed the general concepts and theories centering around addictions and applications for essential oils to support in relieving them. I even mentioned that using essential oils could create...
March Top News: Climate Change, The Microbiome, New Science Studies, & More

March Came in Like a Lion and So Did These Studies! Every month, I keep a Word document for cutting and pasting links of fascinating articles that I find and want to share with others. New York’s and most of New England’s snow and extreme weather conditions this month gave me some extra leisure...
Maybe We Should Just “Eat Wheat” After All? Not So Fast!

Is Gluten-Free Going Out of Vogue? To the holistic and integrative health community, the statement that gluten may not be a food demon could be heralded as hearsay! This mere suggestion may be enough to get one ostracized by several esteemed and distinguished dietary clubs. In fact, I just finished writing a long explanation...