No doubt there will be plenty of people returning to Salem this weekend who remember last Memorial Day weekend here. Here are five big reasons why the FREE PRESS calls Salem a “Best Bet”: 1) Our town-wide garage sale, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, brings people in from all over. You can’t swing a dead ‘possum without hitting a garage sale – they’re all over the place! 2) The library’s annual plant sale. Terrifically healthy, love-grown plants for a good cause. You can’t beat it. 3) The Fire Department’s chicken barbeque Saturday afternoon. You’ll smell it long before you come into town. 4) The Farmer’s Market kicks off Saturday morning. This is Salem, where a farmer’s market really is a farmer’s market. It doesn’t get any better than this. 5) Summer Sounds of Salem kicks off at the gazebo at the Farmer’s Market featuring Bob Beaver from 11-1pm. A “Best Bet” indeed. See you in town!
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