The negative ramifications of stress are particularly upsetting today because there is no let up in the triggers and emotional upheavals. Beyond everyday stressors, there are work and school transitions, financial strain, polarization in politics, stigma and racial inequalities, and environmental outbursts. Even the most resilient are struggling to get through. More symptomology may...
How Too Much Stress Bombards Your Brain and Body & How to Manage It

While some may be thriving today, many are just trying to survive. With all the recent upheavals and events taking place around the world, getting through the day and eventually waving goodbye to 2020 seem to be the two main goals for most. (source, source, source, source) Besides everyday triggers, racial injustices, wildfires, financial...
New Video on Essential Oils for Easing Back to School Stress and Tension

It’s no secret that the current state of the world with its additional requirements and guidelines is making this year’s back to school transition more challenging than most. In addition to the many changes, financial pressures are also contributing to the mental strain and emotional upheaval of students, parents, and teachers. (source, source, source,...
Several Essential Oils to Soothe September Back to School Stress

This year’s back to school preparation looks a lot different from previous years. The current state of the world has made it necessary to implement many changes and new safety rules in order to send schoolchildren off to learn. Whether partaking in remote learning, or heading back into the classroom it is important to...