Staying busy at the expense of sleep comes at a high cost. Evidence now reveals that being underslept not only leads to poorer job performance, it also negatively impacts brain health, cognitive function, emotional balance, relationships, and overall wellness. Yet, why is that to be fully functional and healthy, we need to shut out...
Too Much to Do to Sleep? Is the Status of Busyness Worth Sacrificing Slumber?

Busyness has become a badge of honor in our society. Somehow, getting things done has taken precedence over sleep, family time, and even other values. This shift in cultural priorities occurred for several reasons. Among these factors is that busyness became a status symbol of importance and a means to elevate one’s self worth....
Why We Should Still Consider Serotonin When Dealing with Depression

A recent review of studies took over headlines in psychiatry. The media claimed that it “debunked” the serotonin hypothesis of depression and made antidepressants invalid. Yet, there were three major caveats to that conclusion. One of the biggest issues was the fact that the researchers were measuring a biological marker against symptoms and using...
Depressed? Why a Pill and Manipulating Serotonin May Not Be the Sole Solution

Did Our Whole View on Depression Just Come Undone? A new analysis of a review of studies was recently released that created quite a stir in psychiatry. Headlines proclaimed that its conclusions officially “debunked” the whole serotonin hypothesis of depression. However, to many in the field of mental health, the fanfare was an overdone...
How the Gut-Liver Connection Hurts or Helps Our Liver and Overall Health
Caring for Your Microbiome for Better Brain, Liver, and Hormonal Health: Part II

One of the organs that doesn’t get enough accolades, at least not for being more than a “detox” champ, is our liver. In fact, it is the gut that is getting most of the current scientific research and clinical headlines. More precisely, the spotlight has shined most brightly on the diverse roles that the...