Junior League of Albany Makes More than a Fashion Statement in Current Initiative CAPITAL REGION – “This campaign is one that is near and dear to my heart.” So stated Jessica Yulan Rubino, who serves as VP for Community at the Junior League of Albany. “This year myself and the rest of The Junior...
Section 2 Leaping To Long Island!

NY State Gymnastics Tourney Bound on Saturday The NYS Section 2 Gymnastics Championships were held on Wednesday, February 14th at Shaker High School. The top three all-around finishers as well as the next best three scores in each event qualified for the NY State Gymnastics Championships on Saturday, March 3rd at Cold Springs Harbor...
The Vagina Monologues at the National Museum of Dance

SARATOGA SPRINGS – In celebration of International Women’s Day, the National Museum of Dance and iTheatre Saratoga will present a revival of The Vagina Monologues at the Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Riggi Theater. Performances will be Friday, March 9 and Saturday, March 10 at 7 pm. Tickets are $20 each and include a...
Saratoga Regional YMCA Launches 2018 Annual Campaign

SARATOGA SPRINGS – The Saratoga Regional YMCA launched its Annual Campaign on February 26th to ensure that everyone in our community has access to vital community programs and resources that support youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. Every day, the Saratoga Regional YMCA works to support the people and neighborhoods that need it...
Beer Week Chronicles – A Great Way to Summit Up!

America On Tap’s Saratoga Beer Summit is the People’s Choice SARATOGA SPRINGS — As always, quite a scene… If you want a shirt from MacKenzie, just play Brewfest Bingo! From Selfie Central AKA The Saratoga Beer Summit, the people have spoken – and they like craft beer! They like it local. They like it...
Future Motorists Take The Wheel

It’s Kids Day at Saratoga Auto Museum! SARATOGA SPRINGS – Well, now – let’s roll! Winter break Friday (February 23rd) could not be a better day to take a drive in your favorite vehicle. So say the youngsters who enjoyed a unique day of fun at Saratoga Automobile Museum’s Kids Day. In addition to...
The Gallery: Prime Time For Ice

Prime at Saratoga National’s Polar Ice Bar Shows How It’s Done! SARATOGA SPRINGS – The chillest event of the winter season came to life last evening, Friday, February 23rd, at the glacial confines of Prime at Saratoga National. A second, daytime session is occuring today until 4 pm. Simply put, this is an event...
Beer Week Chronicles – Thirsty Thursday Doubleheader!

Whiskey and Karaoke for the Win SARATOGA SPRINGS – I’ll have a double… On the menu tonight (Thursday, February 22nd) was a custom cocktail – a blend of elegance, and ‘get-down’ fun – showing that at Saratoga Beer Week you can pretty much pick whatever vibe you like and it will be available. And...
Beer Week Chronicles – Tuesday Kicks Off – With Feeling

SARATOGA SPRINGS – Tuesday’s kickoff to Saratoga Beer Week gave life to the expression “The more things, change…” For while the setting(s) changed on 2018’s kickoff night, Tuesday, February 20, all the other elements that make this event special: festive vibes, renewing acquaintances, remembering past good times – all of them, were in full...
41st Annual Freihofer’s Saratoga Jazz Festival 2018 Lineup

New! Freihofer’s Saratoga Jazz Fest Friday To Kick-Off Weekend SARATOGA SPRINGS – The 2018 Freihofer’s Saratoga Jazz Festival features an extraordinary roster of artists, ranging from jazz luminaries and gospel and R+B legend Mavis Staples, who are among the weekend’s headliners – to emerging artists making their Saratoga debuts. In addition, unique collaborations and...