I hope everyone had a wonderful and memorable Christmas and I want to apologize for being so negligent with my blog posts. For the past year, I have tried to post at least once a week but, between the holiday craziness involved with my day job (we do commercial holiday decorating as one of our services), trying to learn some new software for a second job I am doing from home in the evenings, and my own holiday preparations, I ran out of time and I just haven’t had the chance to write up a post…but it has been on my mind constantly!

There is so much that is wonderful and special here in beautiful Saratoga. And there are so many wonderful people with special traditions, special memories, and special plans. If there had been 30 hours in a day, I would have written posts on all of this, but I didn’t and, for that, I am so sorry!

For now, however, I am just sharing a bunch of photos of the gorgeous holiday decorations I have seen out and about the area…as well as some pretty foggy-evening shots I took last week. Despite the lack of snow, it really was a beautiful December with plenty of gorgeous evenings to be out looking at the lights and beautiful decorations! How lucky are we to live in such a magical place?

I hope your holidays were awesome! I have some ideas for where this blog and the corresponding FB page (https://www.facebook.com/frozen.moments.toga/) may venture in 2016. Fun ideas that I think will be interesting and worthwhile…I just need to plan my time more wisely so that I can actually put these ideas into motion.

The Riggi Home:

The entrance to Congress Park:

Some beautifully decorated area homes:

A slightly blurry shot of the Route 9 entrance to the State Park:

City Hall:

The Inn at Saratoga:

Caroline Street:

The Firehouse:

The War Memorial in Congress Park:

Another nighttime shot on Broadway:

I hope everyone has a very Happy New Year! I will be out for First Night…hope to see many of you there as well. And I will post this weekend (I promise) with what I hope will be an optimistic and enjoyable look into 2016. Have a wonderful celebration, whether you are at First Night, out elsewhere, or staying in and enjoying a quiet celebration at home…and please be smart and safe!!
Happy New Year,