I recently received the nicest, KINDEST private message from someone who follows the Frozen Moments In and Around Saratoga FB page (https://www.facebook.com/frozen.moments.toga/).
I want to share it (and the writer gave me permission) because it is just such a striking example of how a few words can make or break a person’s day. In this case, my day was made…to the point of sitting in my car, reading the message, and being so touched that I actually found myself sitting there with happy tears just pouring down my face.

In order for me to feel comfortable sharing a portion of this extraordinarily kind comment, I need to share a tiny bit of background on myself, for those who don’t already know (and I will do it in and around some photos of an early morning walk through Congress Park on a drizzly morning last weekend).
Anyone who may have been following me from the beginning of this blog knows that I am well into the third year of my Chapter Two. It is why I moved here from Burnt Hills in January 2014, after selling my home of 30 years, where I raised my two wonderful children.

I had ended a 30+ year marriage which should have happened a long time prior but, as is often the case, we hung in there for a multitude of reasons until the time was right. To deal with the associated stresses of all the changes (good and bad) my life was undergoing, I would head to the bike path in Ballston Lake down by Carney’s with my precious chocolate Lab, Maddy, and we would veer off into the woods and run…and run…and run…

As I ran, I began to really notice nature, particularly “naked” treetops against the contrast of deep blue skies. I started taking photos with my phone. I loved the images I was able to capture, and I began taking more and more photos. That evolved into my son buying me a really nice Nikon which prompted more and more photos.
Long story short, my photos are as a result of a passion that was borne simply from a need to relax and appreciate nature. Still not close to the caliber of the true professionals, but I love it and I am constantly trying to improve.The blog came about when the wonderful people at Saratoga.com noticed the photos I was posting to FB. A second passion of mine is writing and this was a perfect fit.

So, while this all started as a way of trying to effectively deal with all of my life changes in a positive manner, it has grown and ballooned into this wonderful little community, and taken on a totally unexpected and completely wonderful life of it’s own. I love that. And, when people tell me that a photo I have shared brings back fond childhood memories, makes them eager to come back here, or evokes any feeling of any kind, it is a thrill beyond words for me!
Now that you have a little bit of an idea of where I am coming from, I hope you can understand why this message meant so much to me. It was sent to me by Stacey A. She grew up here in Saratoga, but now lives in a different part of the country with her family.

“…Home is more than just an address. It’s the hearts and arms that held you, the voices that soothed you when you called home from far away places; sometimes without your family even knowing you were there…As I was hopefully painting with words, home is everything YOU embrace about a place. From the biggest monument or building o the smallest flower, patch of grass or street sign. ANYTHING! Why I say all of this is because I want to thank you! Thank you for capturing and sharing not just places, buildings, parks or streets but moments that I embrace as “HOME”. Memories of times past that fill my heart with joy and bring a smile to my face. If ever you have a day for some reason that you question “WHY do I do this?” Please please remember me and know you have given so much joy to a heart that longs for home and all of its moments. I pray you have as many blessed moments in Saratoga Springs and continue to share them…I am thankful you were strong enough to divorce. You are brave! I am thankful you moved to Saratoga! If you hadn’t, the beauty from YOUR eyes would never be seen and I would never have been given such joy!!”

Hopefully, you can see why I was so touched by these simple, heartfelt words. I am so grateful that she took the time to write. Thank you, Stacey, and thank you to everyone who has been so kind with regard to my posts and/or photos. It is a labor of love that I am so happy to be doing, and my Chapter Two is kind of awesome.