Happy New Year! It's a brand new month, a brand new year, a brand new page in the stories of our lives. (As I re-read the previous sentence, I kind of wonder how sappy that may sound, but it is...
Post Holiday – Pre New Year’s Thoughts and Photos

I hope everyone had a wonderful and memorable Christmas and I want to apologize for being so negligent with my blog posts. For the past year, I have tried to post at least once a week but, between the holiday...
Frozen Moments is One Year Old!

Wow! What a quick year this has been...but on Nov. 21, 2014, I published my very first blog post here on Saratoga.com (here's the link to that first post: (https://www.saratoga.com/frozen-moments/2014/11/a-heartfelt-welcome.html). In it, I outlined my hopes for the blog, what...
Step Back in Time at the Saratoga Springs History Museum

A couple of months ago, I got the idea that, with the whole Centennial celebration going on throughout Saratoga, maybe it was time for me to check out the Saratoga Springs History Museum. As many already know, I was...
I Walked a Zillion Miles

Well, I will say it once again. I am so glad I am a morning person! And I was thrilled this weekend (as was everyone else) to have had such a picture perfect couple of days presented to me. There...
Showing a New York Newbie the Sights…

I just had the BEST weekend. My daughter and her boyfriend (Dani and Brent) came up from Raleigh, NC, in order for Dani to be the Maid of Honor in her best friend's wedding. Not only was this particular...
Some Random Pics and the Stupid Thing I Did Last Night…

I think I am going to preface this post with a few disclaimers/statements, given that my previous post just last week was all about how scatter-brained I was when I left my phone in the car at the Hall of...
Happy 4th of July Weekend, Saratoga!

What a pretty morning I woke up to this morning! Actually, as is usually the case with me, it was not quite morning yet, since I wake up with the very first bird most days...and today that bird was...
The Spirit of Life Rededication Ceremony

This past Friday, June 26, 2015, was the 100th anniversary of the original dedication of the Spirit of Life and Spencer Trask Memorial. It was also the day of its RE-dedication ceremony....
The Trask Art Show and Sale Held on June 11

As anyone who has been reading this blog from its inception last October knows, I am not in any way a professional photographer. I am someone with a really good camera who has a crazy passion for photography and...