Whew, last 4 weeks out in the gardens has left me no time to sit @ my desk and write! What a spring! Cannot remember seeing this much in the way of winter damage out in my gardens. This brutal...
New York’s got Flower Power!

Growing up in the 60s and 70s I have a unique vision of the words: Flower Power. I remember the set of the popular Laugh In television show covered in large neon colored modern art flowers and the likes of...
Excuse to Not Garden Part 3: Finding the Method Match

As with all life activities, we need to find a comfortable personalized match. We all don't go to fitness classes as a means to stay physically healthy or use the Marie Osmond diet! Likewise the method we choose to begin...
Greening the Community, One Non-Profit a a Time

Check out the pure joy in this child's face as part of a "post build" planting party at the Mechnicville Area Community Services Center. Little did I realize 5 years ago I would still be creating one of a kind...
Excuse for NOT Gardening Part 2: Resources

OK, so hopefully I got your attention last post with the litany of excuses "why not garden". In this post let's dissect each one and guide you to the resources you should consider to dive into gardening. Time Constraints: Lets...
What’s Your Excuse for NOT Gardening?

I just came across an interesting senior level business class college study. Using a total of 7 research methods, they concluded reasons why folks just don't bother to engage in this valuable life changing activity. No matter what your age,...
What Inspires You to Garden?

As I peer out my office window, begging the remaining piles of snow to melt I often find comfort in my dreaming and scheming time. In other words, spending time with the resources that will inspire me for the coming...
Pruning with a Purpose

It is easy enough to get out the loppers and hack away at your plants in a weekend warrior style fashion. Yes I must admit, there is something cathartic about the hum of power shears and sharpened tools in hand. ...
The Spirit of “Going Green”

Once of my most passionate and rewarding endeavors each year is that of our Annual Go Green Community Build Project. Each year our team brings the elements of gardening to a nonprofit institution here in Saratoga County. Through the comraderie...
Designs to Avoid Winter Damage

Last week I wrote about the causes and traditional practices to "cope" with winter damage. But in the spirit of sustainability...there are options in your landscape designs, versus coping after the fact. Loses in landscape material is not only costly...but...