Last week I wrote about the causes and traditional practices to "cope" with winter damage. But in the spirit of sustainability...there are options in your landscape designs, versus coping after the fact. Loses in landscape material is not only costly...but...
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Coping with Winter Damage

The snow may still have your plant material buried, but it is not too soon to start thinking about what you will see when the snow melts. If you think this winter has taken it's toll on you, consider your...
Pre-season Training for the Gardening Season

This winter has been a tough one for me. The constant snow and bitter cold has left me far less active than usual these winter months. I guess you could count my snow removal efforts over the past two months...
Bringing Mother Nature Indoors with Garden Art

"Every garden maker should be an artist along his own lines. That is the only possible way to create a garden irrespective of size or wealth" -Vita Sackville-West A few weeks ago I was invited to display my "art" at...