As we bustle about this time of year making merry, decking the halls, braving the stores to find that special gift and baking those treats, I hope you take a moment to pause and reflect upon the reason for...
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My Hoot in the Winter Garden

One night this week Jake my garden supervisor was taking his last trip outdoors before retiring for the night, usually a rather uneventful routine. But while poised in his usual area he was startled by a very loud owl screech...
Holiday Gifts: Sustainable Style

Ahh the holidays are upon us...and its time to create thoughtful gifts for friends and family. So why not share a bit of your gardening passion with those you care about? Yes you can order prepackaged items in...
Norfolk Pines: A New Christmas Tradition?

This year I came in contact with a beautiful evergreen needled plant growing in my friend Marti's home. Having no previous experience with this stunning tree, I asked Marti about it. She explained she received it several years ago as...