Why The Time is Optimal for Garden Startup My garden calendar here in the North Country officially begins with Memorial Day weekend. This year the weekend of rain was most welcome as we have had a rather dry Spring. I took the opportunity to put down my granular fertilizer and let the rain do...
Take Back Your Gardens This Year
managing garden wildlife

Do your cedar and hew shrubs look like newly shaped Bonsai plants after this winter? Maybe you discovered your rhododendron has been stripped of leaves and buds approximately 5 feet from the ground. Or perhaps you are out on your early spring inspection of your gardens and discovered the emerging perennial or spring bulb...
Quality Landscaping Increases Home Value

Why Upgrade Your Landscaping? Homeowners often decide on landscaping upgrades based on aesthetics and outdoor living benefits. But did you know there are many more reasons to invest in well designed and installed landscaping ? Its not just about looking pretty in the neighborhood or creating spaces to spend more time outside your home...
Plan Your Garden for the New Year….Now

A little planning goes a long way This week brings another round of fresh snow and extremely cold temperatures to the North Country. So, it may be hard for many to think greenery and gardens. Our very nature tells us to bundle up, enjoy some comfort food and stay indoors. However, a plan to...
The Unseen Gift of Snowfall

I measured 38 inches of snow blanketing my gardens yesterday. In the 27 years I have been in my home here in upstate NY, I don’t ever recall this amount of snowing falling at once! Yes, accumulations over several storms…but never this much in one sitting. Another rather unwelcome experience in this year of...
Using Plants that Reseed in your Gardens

Have you considered the value of plants that reseed themselves when designing your sustainable garden? Over the years I have used a variety of annuals and perennials to meet the needs of problematic sites. I have also found value in overall garden designs. Fall is a good time to check out your garden for...
My August Garden

July’s high heat and humidity can really take it’s toll on the August garden. That is why I stress taking the time and effort at the front end of the gardening season to use common sense/sustainable practices. It will assure you a beautiful August garden with abundant blooms and color. Mr. Binx is enjoying...
Dance of the Gardens

Growing up my mom shared her love of movies and musicals with me. She would save her earnings to take the family to local theater productions and movie musicals on the big screen. I so loved the dance performances by greats like Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly and Leslie Caron. Although I never acquired the...
Celebrate Pollinator Week: Visit a Local Pollinator Friendly Garden

June 22nd through the 28th we celebrate pollinators and their huge role in the balance of our ecosystems. Although we hear and read much on pollinators, have you ever visited a truly “pollinator friendly” garden? There is one located right in your backyard. The National Museum of Dance Gardens located at 99 South Broadway...
Garden Hidden Treasures During Quarantine

Have you noticed an uptick in people and their families pursuing gardening? Seed vendors have been sold out of many vegetable and flower seeds. Garden gloves, tools, pots and growing supplies are in short supply on store shelves. My greenhouse friend says he has been swamped (so glad to hear a local small business...