These past few weeks have upended our lives in unimaginable ways. Things like social distancing, shelter in and massive job loses have brought life as we know it to a screeching halt. My old Occupational Therapy training and 20 plus years of gardening experience tell me meaningful daily activities will help me manage these...
Late Winter Garden Chores

The February meltdown has begun. The calendar tells us Spring will officially arrive March 19th. Are you ready for the 2020 gardening season? Before the last 2 weeks of snow dumps, I was out assessing my gardens, making notes of things that need attention. Apparently, I neglected to get all those acorns out of...
Invest Time in Good Fall Garden Practices

The Case for Investing Good Fall Garden Practices The leaves are changing colors, and beginning their rapid downfall into my garden beds. My perennials are browning out and drooping heavily in the beds.The acorns are dropping by the thousands! I am often pelleted by them as I begin my fall garden work. Hmmm….lots of...
The Joy of “Diggin” in the Garden
The Joy of Diggin in the Garden

This month my gardens and I begin to show signs of slowing down for the season. I actually begin to reap the rewards of my seasonal efforts. The initial efforts in spring preparations, fertilization and simple design re-configurations now give me time to pause and truly appreciate my hard work. The Joy of the...
Celebrate Pollinator Gardens

This week is National Pollinator Week. So get out to a garden and see what birds, bees, butterflies and other garden creatures do to provide us food and beauty. The National Pollinator Project reports that somewhere between 75% and 95% of all flowering plants on the earth need help with pollination. They need...
Poppies: The Symbol of Memorial Day

Flowers have symbolic meaning for a wide range of things. Many can be powerful. I recently came across the origins of the red poppy as a symbol of remembrance on Memorial Day. I recall my parents buying those little crepe paper poppies for us to wear at the Memorial Day parade. The Farmers...
Proven Winners Sends Me Christmas in May!

I am old enough to remember the Sears Toy Catalog. Each Fall it would arrive at our doorstep. My brother and sisters would argue over who gets it first. We would them spend the next month or so circling or dogearing the page that displayed the toys we most wanted Santa to bring for...
Great Garden = Great Soil

What’s Your Soil Look like? I finally got out into the gardens this week. On Tuesday the last pile of snow finally disappeared. So I am out digging in the gardens and examining my soil base. It is nice and loomy, easy to dig into with lots of earthworms. They are all signs...
Celebrate Kids Garden Month

“The wonders of childhood live in a garden” -Sue Ann DuBois As we await the true arrival of spring here in the North Country, why not start planning ways you can encourage children to get outside and “get their hands dirty” with gardening! April is Kids Garden month! It is never too early to...
Will You Plant from Seeds this Season?

Making the Decision to Start with Seeds Will you begin your garden journey this season starting plants from seeds? It is a decision that is unique to each gardener. Much will depend on what you want to plant, the time you have to commit and indoor resources for success. Only you can decide what...