We’ve been on quite a journey exploring how a natural supplement can support mental health. It started out with the “superhero” antioxidant NAC (N-acetylcysteine). I first highlighted its most well-known uses. After reviewing them, I’m sure you’ll agree that it does deserve its place in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) Phase 4. If you haven’t heard, NAC is rumored to have a cameo role as the “oxidative stress savior” with the capacity to reverse the five years of cellular and liver chaos that resulted from the snap of Thanos. (Any Avenger fans?)
Yet, this isn’t the only “marvel” of NAC. It also has evidence for benefiting those with clinical psychiatric disorders. Several studies have reported its efficacy when used alone and in conjunction with conventional treatment options. NAC has several mechanisms contributing to these psychological effects; therefore, I discussed how it could be a holistic option to assist with addressing many of the other aspects linked to a healthy brain.
After being intrigued with NAC, I wanted to research in more detail how my favorite plant secondary metabolites, essential oils, could also modify our brain’s biochemistry. In my last primer on essential oil’s ability to “hack” our minds’ messengers, I highlighted the god-like abilities these delicate plant compounds have in holistically impacting our health in all areas of wellness. Due to their dual powers of aromatic influence and chemical constituents, these volatile compounds can affect the mind and body simultaneously.
I review this concept in depth in an upcoming article that discusses the power of the mind. Essential oils can enhance this “science of belief” and revive the body. You can get a “sense” of how essential oils enhance this connection between physiology and psychology on my essential oils database. There, you can explore the topics of essential oils and their blends on emotional and physical health, relationships/libido, stress, hormones, and brain health. All the articles have references and citations either listed or linked within the post.
After reviewing the “intense” science on essential oils’ impacts on brain chemistry, I thought I should at least give you some biochemistry warrior tools first. For this reason, in my last article I also provided you with my NeuroTransit-Pedia©” of some of the most popular neurotransmitters. This was for you to have a better knowledge of brain biochemistry. Hopefully, you have gained a greater depth of understanding of how various supplements, medications, or other interventions may affect your brain and nervous system.
Now, it’s time to hit the trails to discover more specifics on how one of the most ancient medicines can support psychiatry and biology.
Click here to read my next article in this series on how essential oils can modulate our brains for the better. I also have an important note on mental illness and stigma that I urge all of you to read and share.
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This material is for information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prescribe for any illness. You should check with your doctor regarding implementing any new strategies into your wellness regime. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. (Affiliation link.)
Disclaimer: This information is applicable ONLY for therapeutic quality essential oils. This information DOES NOT apply to essential oils that have not been tested for purity and standardized constituents. There is no quality control in the United States, and oils labeled as “100% pure” need only to contain 5% of the actual oil. The rest of the bottle can be filled with fillers and sometimes toxic ingredients that can irritate the skin. The studies are not based solely on a specific brand of an essential oil, unless stated. Please read the full study for more information.