I think it is a pretty safe bet to say few people are immune to the overwhelming feeling of happiness and the possibility of new beginnings and opportunities that the spring brings. The snow (what little we had) is finally gone, the grass is green again, and the flowers and trees are in varying degrees of bloom. It is gorgeous out there. And, even when the temps are chilly on some days, there is no doubt that we are closer to the sun because we can easily feel its warmth.

And we are so lucky to live somewhere so beautiful! I’m just going to share a bunch of photos I took last Thursday in the late afternoon as I walked through Congress Park. It was a gorgeous day and people were everywhere enjoying the sunshine. Couples were laying in the grass, mothers were out pushing their babies in strollers, and kids were everywhere.

What was most noticeable to me, however, was the incredible amount of color I saw everywhere I looked. That bright spring green that is only present at the very beginning of the season and for such a short time…the grass looked almost neon. I also took note of the yellow-green color of the budding willow trees, and most especially all the blossoms on the trees in varying shades of pink and white. It was gorgeous.

I walked through the park once, then headed to Uncommon Grounds to get my favorite Green Citrus Mint iced tea (have you TRIED it???). While there, I did one truly mortifying thing that I really want to blog about, but can’t because it would involve saying something about my ex-husband as part of the story and, not only would that be inappropriate, but it would just make me sound bitter…and I’m truly not. So all I will say is that there was one unfortunate man there who reminded me of my ex. And he was a very good sport. Enough said.

After I got my tea, I headed outside to see if I could get a table. No sooner had I sat down when another man came over with the most adorable puppy (black Lab/Shepard mix). At first, he very politely asked if anyone would mind if he left his dog out there while he went in to get something to eat, but then he just offered me the leash (I think I was probably more excited than the dog) and asked if I would watch his precious puppy for him. OF COURSE I WOULD!! I was already in a great mood, but there’s something about an adorable puppy chewing on your fingers and jumping up onto your lap to cover your face in puppy kisses that pretty much brings on an element of delirium.

I headed back to the park once again…after sadly returning the puppy and his leash to the owner, and snapped a few more photos before heading home. It is so hard to walk away from someplace so pretty and filled with so many great people.

It has been a beautiful spring so far. Let’s cross our fingers for an equally great summer.

Have a great week!