Resort destinations like Saratoga Springs often fall prey to carpetbaggers and snake oil salesmen who come to town when the number are high, and stay only long enough to cash in on visitors' craving for reminders of their time spent...
Book Review: “Hayseed’s First Race”–Building Self Esteem, from the Turf, Up.

If you were kinda short and had an odd birthmark--would it stop you from finding your star, and following it all the way to personal victory? Those problems didn't stop George Stephanopoulos or Mikhail Gorbachev--and it shouldn't stop anyone else,...
Mare’s Musings: Horse Racing and Kerosene Don’t Mix.

Psychologists know that people who suffer from bad self image are often jealous of those whose careers, lives or personal traits they envy. Their jealousy is due to poor self esteem--they don't realize that genuinely healthy self esteem comes from...
Mare’s Musings: Of Mozart, NYRA and Answering the Call.

This piece is going to run the gamut of emotions--so if you're not prepared, go away and come back when you're ready. From death and grief to gratitude for heroes riding in on white horses--this is what's in my head...
Book Review: “Horsenameographies: Life Stories in a Race Horse Name” — More than just a great read, a roadmap to finding our core.

Books in the Middle Ages were treasures. Not everyone owned a book, usually only royalty or those wealthy enough to afford a scribe to hand-write a book for them. These books were beautiful, no two books alike. It could take...