Ahhh, yes...it's that time of the year again. Saratoga. You're reading this on Saratoga.com, so you may think that I refer to the city of Saratoga Springs, New York. Or to Saratoga County. But you'd be wrong, if you think that...
Writing About Horse Racing: it Ain’t All “Deze,” “Demz” and “Doze.”
On the one hand, "Fugue for Tinhorns," from the Broadway musical, "Guys and Dolls" is one of my favorite pieces of music.Anyone who doesn't know the title, surely knows the tune and the opening sentence,"I got the horse right here,his...
Horsepower: How “Car Talk” and Laughing ’til it Hurts Breathed Life into f!lly Racing Radio

Those of you who are friends--in "real life," or on Facebook--know that last week was a rough one for me, and for anyone who loves the NPR (National Public Radio) show, "Car Talk.""Car Talk" was a Peabody award-winning radio show...
Breeders’ Cup, Centiseconds and Longines’ Crazy-Sexy New Timepiece. “Sexy”? Oh, Yeah.

This piece is about two things--related, of course.The first is a wonderful piece of news about Longines and the Breeders' Cup. If you read my writings regularly, you'll suspect (correctly) that the spin I'm putting on this delightful relationship goes...
Memories of Cigar: Sensitivity and Grit, Guts and Glory.

It's October 8th, 2014, and by this time everyone in the world of international horse racing knows that Cigar, one of the world's greatest Thoroughbreds ever, has died.Race fans all know Cigar's background and statistics; I have nothing to contribute...
Keeneland’s “Boutique” Breeders’ Cup, and Dorsal Fins on Catfish

Effective immediately, I'm giving up my previous mission, of working to create a horse racing media empire and striving to help women become fully part of the sport's media landscape. In my heart, that mission served as the foundation for...
fillyracing.com: Growing the f!lly Racing Media family, one URL at a time…

I shan't go into much detail--you can find the details elaborately laid out on the pages of my new website.Yes, on Wednesday, September 10trh, a new horse racing cyberdestination was foaled, and her name is http://www.fillyracing.com ......
What if God…Looks Like a Horse?

A thought came to me a few minutes ago, and it's something I really must pursue. If you're up to it, come along for the journey......
Truth + the Love of Horses = Healthy Horse Racing.
It seems that I have but three moods: pensive, pithy and pithed-off.The thing that's making me both pensive and pithed-off this morning is the reality that the facts about horse racing in America are greatly exaggerated. The Internet can...
Using Horses as Props. What Fresh Hell is This?
Anyone who knows me knows that when something bugs me, I must express it or I'll explode, leaving shrapnel everywhere.I don't want to explode, so I'll get right to it. Let's start at the beginning of this phenomenon: In October,...