I've been thinking about this for several weeks now. Like many of you who are involved with horse racing--I spend part of every day of my Life feeling guilty, and thinking that I should just pack it up and take...
Arabian Horses in Washington State Need Home(s)–ASAP.

My peeps. I know you love horses. You wouldn't be reading the ramblings of this crazy Broad, if you weren't a horse lover. So you know that I'm obsessed, too.But Love without action is useless.If we say that we love...
Racing Careers for Women–Because the Horses and the Sport Need Us.

I'm going to get the bare facts out there first, so you don't have to pretend to read this whole thing, just to find the details.On Wednesday, August 14th, NYRA (the New York Racing Association) will host Fabulous Fillies' Day...
Time to Pony Up for Horses: Golf in Saratoga, Save an Equine Life.

I hope that y'all know me well enough by now, to know that if there's anything I can do to help a horse--I will. I have to admit that, if a decision had to be made--to save my Uncle Ray...
Oklahoma Loses Horses. The Racing Community Can Care, or Simply, “Like.”

I'm writing this article with tears in my eyes, and an enormous rip in my heart. I hope that you will take the time to read it all, and embrace what I'm feeling--and what I'm asking of you, as lovers...
Whinnying Colors by Fan Favorites: Your Chance to Own an Original Moneigh

This is an event that you should attend, virtually.I didn't write the article, below--I merely took the press release, and edited it. (I'm obsessive--you should know me by now. I never just "look at" something--I have to mess around with...
Equine Causes: The Icelandic Horses Need Intervention, ASAP.

It's Sunday morning, and, as I sit, coffee mug in-hand and waiting to truly awaken, a report on Good Morning America pierced my blurry morning reverie. The GMA reporter (whose name evades me, forgive, please: really, the synapses are not...