I was reminded recently of the single reason why I insist that horse racing administrators have it all backwards, and their apparent intent to turn race tracks into amusement parks is silly (ridiculous, even). The vehicle through which (whom) to turn potential...
Secretariat’s Authenticated Preakness Garland to Be Auctioned for Charity.

I can add nothing to this press release.All I can say is, if you're a die-hard Secretariat fan--I mean, a REAL FAN, not some jerk who just likes to own stuff because it's valuable--I mean, someone who LOVES Secretariat, and...
Saratoga 2016: Love Horses, Have Fun, Expect the Unexpected.

Ahhh, yes...it's that time of the year again. Saratoga. You're reading this on Saratoga.com, so you may think that I refer to the city of Saratoga Springs, New York. Or to Saratoga County. But you'd be wrong, if you think that...
Trainer, Gary Contessa, to Lead Conformation Clinic at His Saratoga Barn, August 4

What's a wither? To most people, "wither" is a verb, and means, to become dry and shrivel.To horse people, a horse's withers are the highest point of a horse's shoulders.Dock? Hock? Fetlock?Do you know that the equine eye is the...
A Happy Convergence: Brian Fox, American Pharoah, Saratoga–and YOU.

If you're a fan of Boston-based artist, Brian Fox--obviously, you are an insightful soul, one who appreciates beauty, power and spirit.If you're not-yet a fan of the world-renowned artist--well, first I wonder where the heck you've been for the last...
The Race Track Chaplaincy, New York Division and Your Opportunities to Make a Difference

So, Bubby, you feeling a little sorry for yourself and your family, because there's no NYRA Open House this year? (The Open House would have been this coming Sunday, July 19th. Always the Sunday before Opening Day at Saratoga...
Fashionable Fillies Luncheon 2015: Great Women, Great Food, Causes Worth Your Emotional Investment.

What do you and Marylou Whitney, Virginia Kraft Payson and Beverly (Peggy) Steinman have in common? "Nothing," you say?On what is based your Jump to Conclusion? The fact that those three ladies all are monied, storied and not of your...
Marketing Horse Racing: Still Must Start with One Horse, One (Human) Heart
The Belmont Stakes, in which American Pharoah broke the spell of 37 years and won the Triple Crown, was such an historic and otherworldly event that it's taken me a full two weeks to process it.Speaking with a friend yesterday...
NO, Budweiser and Pimlico: “The Best Women Preakness Has to Offer” are NOT in Your Bikini Contest. :(
So it's Preakness Day 2015, and everyone in horse racing who writes or even scribbles with a crayon will spend the day watching-writing-waiting-writing about the horses, the jockeys, the owners, the crowd, the flowers, the hats, the fun.Proverbial inkwells will...
Writing About Horse Racing: it Ain’t All “Deze,” “Demz” and “Doze.”
On the one hand, "Fugue for Tinhorns," from the Broadway musical, "Guys and Dolls" is one of my favorite pieces of music.Anyone who doesn't know the title, surely knows the tune and the opening sentence,"I got the horse right here,his...