It was one of those nights, when I couldn't get to sleep because my brain was working overtime with things I needed to write. And when I say, "need," I don't mean just deadlines for pieces for which I will...
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Mare’s Musings: Language is Destiny–Please Don’t Condemn Your Horse (or Yourself!) to Failure.
S/he who has mastery of language has a tremendous advantage over those for whom language is difficult. Language is power, and don't you dare think otherwise. Every day we either raise ourselves or condemn ourselves by the language we use: ...
Equine Causes: The Icelandic Horses Need Intervention, ASAP.

It's Sunday morning, and, as I sit, coffee mug in-hand and waiting to truly awaken, a report on Good Morning America pierced my blurry morning reverie. The GMA reporter (whose name evades me, forgive, please: really, the synapses are not...
Invitation to Spirit Massage, the Equine Initiation Rite
"The wind of Heaven is that which blows through a horse's ears." So goes an ancient Arabic proverb. Truer words have ne'er been spoken. No pretty pictures in this article, although I'm tempted to post at least one, that of...