It's Sunday morning, and, as I sit, coffee mug in-hand and waiting to truly awaken, a report on Good Morning America pierced my blurry morning reverie. The GMA reporter (whose name evades me, forgive, please: really, the synapses are not...
Invitation to Spirit Massage, the Equine Initiation Rite
"The wind of Heaven is that which blows through a horse's ears." So goes an ancient Arabic proverb. Truer words have ne'er been spoken. No pretty pictures in this article, although I'm tempted to post at least one, that of...
Mare’s Musings: What’s Your Theme Song? “Avenging Annie” Says it for Me…

We humans have an innate need to find things to which we can relate on a level so deep, so...cellular...that we almost suffer, we ache in our very fiber, from the profound joy of realizing that someone truly gets us. ...
Mare’s Musings: of Horses and Men, and Suffocating Love.
On February 18th, I'll take my words (and hopefully some wit) into the arenae of virtual and voice: Thursday will mark the debut of "View from a Broad," a racing radio talk show hosted by, well, me. ( ). I...
Mare’s Musings: Horse Racing and Kerosene Don’t Mix.

Psychologists know that people who suffer from bad self image are often jealous of those whose careers, lives or personal traits they envy. Their jealousy is due to poor self esteem--they don't realize that genuinely healthy self esteem comes from...
Mare’s Musings: Of Mozart, NYRA and Answering the Call.

This piece is going to run the gamut of emotions--so if you're not prepared, go away and come back when you're ready. From death and grief to gratitude for heroes riding in on white horses--this is what's in my head...
A New Thanksgiving Tradition–Honor Your Horse, Your People, Your Life.

Well, Dear Readers, This may not start out as the happiest blog you've ever read, but hopefully it will help you to start a new tradition, and thereby add something of substance and joy to your holiday season. I just...
Horse Sense: When in Trouble, Look for the Light.

I am constantly amazed by the ways in which horses choose to communicate with we mere humans: recognizing that we homo sapiens are the ones who forgot how to talk Horse--not the other way 'round--members of the equine species will...