Wow! What a quick year this has been...but on Nov. 21, 2014, I published my very first blog post here on (here's the link to that first post: ( In it, I outlined my hopes for the blog, what...
Incredible Autumn Beauty…

A couple of weeks ago, right when the weather started to turn REALLY cold, I decided to stop by St. Peter's Cemetery to get some photos for what I thought might make a really cool Halloween post. ...
Step Back in Time at the Saratoga Springs History Museum

A couple of months ago, I got the idea that, with the whole Centennial celebration going on throughout Saratoga, maybe it was time for me to check out the Saratoga Springs History Museum. As many already know, I was...
Showing a New York Newbie the Sights…

I just had the BEST weekend. My daughter and her boyfriend (Dani and Brent) came up from Raleigh, NC, in order for Dani to be the Maid of Honor in her best friend's wedding. Not only was this particular...
Some Random Pics and the Stupid Thing I Did Last Night…

I think I am going to preface this post with a few disclaimers/statements, given that my previous post just last week was all about how scatter-brained I was when I left my phone in the car at the Hall of...
A Beautiful Walk on a Beautiful Day in the Beautiful Saratoga Spa State Park

Wow, weekends do not get any better than the one we just experienced! As I said on my personal FB page, "There is no possible way this weekend could have been more perfect or more beautiful."...
The Morning Started Out so Nice…Until I Thought I Lost My Phone

My daughter lives in North Carolina, but she will be coming home to be the Maid of Honor in her best friend's wedding in a few weeks. They have been best friends/"sisters" since before my daughter could even sit...
Summer Season has Ended…but the Beauty Never Does

Some days, it really pays to get out of bed. This past Saturday was a stellar example of all the good and beautiful things going on outside in the hours just pre and post the sunrise, particularly in beautiful...
Travers was Sold Out…but I Saw All This Instead!

As anyone who follows my Frozen Moments FB page knows, I was not on the ball and did not get my tickets for the Travers before they sold out. In fairness to myself, I was waiting to hear from...
“A Loss of Sight, Never a Loss of Vision” – Camp Abilities Saratoga

I'm having SUCH a hard time deciding how to begin and then ultimately write this post. It is so important to me on so many levels. I understand that this is a PHOTO blog and, as such, most readers...