This one will be relatively short and sweet, for the need is urgent.
Monique (Monika) Kierach is a horse-loving woman who possesses one of the kindest hearts on this (or any other) planet.
She cannot stand to see a horse in pain–or neglected, abused or otherwise ill-treated. I know that you all feel the same, or you wouldn’t be reading this.
Monika sent around an email, and a request: help her rescue this herd of horses from a man whose just not doing right by them.
You’ve always wanted a horse? You love horses as much as Monika and I, and want to do something?
The best thing that can be written on your gravestone is,
“I Saved a Horse’s Life.”
And here’s your chance…
Our girl Monika was driving back from New Hampshire, when she came across this “paddock” (for lack of a better word) filled with horses in dire need.
Their owner either doesn’t have the financial means and the wherewithal to know how to take care of them correctly. These horses are hurting, friends.

* Pregnant mares and babies who were born this past summer, and last year.
* The guy is trying to get rid off most of the horses–and we do NOT want them to find their way to the slaughter auctions, do we?
* The owner is on social security, and so has no money
* Check this out: People bring fruits, veggies and breads–and that’s what those horses eat!
🙁 Monika saw him feeding them old bananas and grapefruit rinds. No, really.
* Since the owner has no money, he is asking $500 for a pregnant mare and $500 for babies . He doesn’t want to sell them all, but I wish he would. (That’s me, Marion, saying that.)
I’m taking a wild guess here that, like so many welfare children–they’ve never been to a veterinarian, either.
Never tasted the goodness of a flake of Sweet Timothy.
Never eaten high-nutrition grain.
IF you look at these faces and see in someone’s deep, soulful, horsie eyes the loving heart who is calling to you–please, please, please contact Monika Kierach, ASAP. She’ll take you to see the horses, and she’ll help you get the horse–that is,
Monika will help you get the horse to your home.
These horses, from what I gather, are near Vermont–perhaps 50 miles or so from Saratoga. (Saratoga Springs, New York)
They all need a new home.
It would be wonderful if the mommies and their babies could stay together. But if you can take just ONE horse–that would be a wonderful thing. You would be doing the work of God. (I really believe that: Mother Teresa said, “God has no hands but ours.” You can be the Hands of God in the life of a horse who desperately needs REAL food–hay, oats, water–who needs REAL love–who needs her or his Forever Home.)
Please respond–please pass on this article to everyone you’ve ever known. These animals are standing knee-deep in mud and their own…well, you know.
These horses are not living the lives of Thoroughbreds in Kentucky.
But that does not mean that they don’t deserve love, care and affection. Everyone needs and deserves love–and no one more than these sweet horses.

(518) 577-1712
Listen, I know Monika, and I know that she won’t sleep until every one of these horses is placed in a loving home. I wept when I saw these photos–I hope you do, too.
Please call Monika right now, and bring home the Love of Your Life.
Thank you. God bless you, all, and God bless His precious horses.