Co. PC in Clifton Park, surrounded by staff.
Green eyeshades and sharpened pencils are
things of the past for today’s accountants. They
are more likely to deal with QuickBooks in the
cloud. And they rarely see their clients face to
face, although they may be in daily communication
with their business data.
They also have to guide clients through an
increasing thicket of government regulations.
Kelly Reinhart of Reinhart & Associates LLC
in Saratoga Springs, recently restructured his
business operation completely so that clients pay
a fixed monthly fee for needed services, instead
of paying by the hour or task. Each client’s workload
varies from month to month, he found, but
they balance each other out.
Clients “enjoy having one fee,” he said. If they
have a question, they can ask it without worrying
about the time clock ticking away. He feels that
his business is “growing by leaps and bounds,
really skyrocketing” because of the change.