Glenville and parts of Saratoga County.
As we enter 2016, one of the most important
ways lawmakers can ensure New York has a
vibrant economy is to clean-up the corruption
in Albany so we have an open and accountable
state government.
Our representative democracy was started
by a revolution in 1776 against the tyranny of
a king. Today, we have a state legislature that
has enabled leaders to act like despots by ceding
too much power to them for far too long.
The recently convicted leaders were able to
steal taxpayer dollars because of the unbridled
power that was given to them not by voters but
by majorities in each house of the legislature.
Currently, the Assembly Speaker and the
Senate Majority Leader–no matter who they
are–hold enormous power to abuse the system
and stop bills from coming to the floor
even if they are mathematically sponsored by
a majority of members from each house of
the legislature (76 out of 150 in the Assembly
and 32 out of 63 in the Senate). The current
system illustrates less of what a representative
democracy is and more of a kingship.