©2016 Saratoga Photographer.com
By Jennifer Farnsworth
Maria Billis just might have the key to success. She lives the mantra that if you believe in what you are doing, and love doing it, then success will follow.
This Saratoga business woman was once the owner of a popular restaurant before she made a career change, which has led her to being a powerful entrepreneur.
Billis works as an independent consultant for Young Living Essential Oils, a wellness company that focuses on both the aspects of physical and emotional healthy living through everyday products. The company is centered around nature’s living energy, while allowing its consultants to enjoy a financial rewards program by selling its products.
Billis said she became involved with the company through a trusted friend.
“A close friend of mine gave me the Young Living Wellness products as a gift and I fell in love with them. Wellness has always been an integral part of my life and after sharing both the products and business opportunity, I knew this was would be both amazing and exciting and that I would be very successful at it,” said Billis.
Billis said she has always had a passion for business, and knew early on she was driven enough to be good at it. She credits surrounding herself with positive people as something that has really allowed her to grow as a leader.
"I love accomplishment and I have always had a desire to work incredibly hard at something I really believe in," she said. "I am very driven, dedicated, and committed to working with positive people that want to succeed."
Her success started in the restaurant business. In 2005, she sold her half interest in Chianti Restaurant in Saratoga Springs, which she started in 1998 after relocating from California.
Today, staying motivated is crucial to staying focused and driven. She said knowing what inspires you is important in all aspects of life.
"I wake up inspired everyday and I love growing my business and helping people take charge of their lives by making clean living choices. I also love empowering my Young Living associates by believing in their ability to become successful and stay focused," said Billis.
The company offers a line of green living products such as supplements, nutrition, and personal care. Their popular line of essential oils offers quality hard-to-find products. The company offers informational websites, brochures, videos, and emails.
Through working with a large worldwide international organization, Billis has achieved financial independence, becoming one of the top East Coast producers in the company.
Billis said her best advice is to always strive to stay committed.
" A never-ending commitment to constant personal development and improvement is key," said Billis.