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By R.J. DeLuke
Lucy’s is the latest addition to the bar scene on Caroline Street in Saratoga Springs. Unlike many, where volume and intensity can be a factor, this establishment aims for cozy and comfortable, according to co-owner Kelsey Whalen.
The bar physically lends itself to that. The bar itself is small and there are a handful or so of tables. Occupancy is 23.
“It’s a very casual vibe, but welcoming,” said Whalen. “Our slogan is, ‘Lucy’s bar, Come in as you are.’ We truly mean that. All are welcome.
“We want everyone to be comfortable. We want you to walk away with a good cocktail for $10, not 14 which is seemingly the average in Saratoga for a cocktail.”
It opened in late September and business, she said, is strong despite the size. In fact the size appealed to her. She previously operated Whole Harvest, a stored that prepares healthy meals using local products. She closed the store because the bottom line was not going to hold up during the coronavirus pandemic.
But she retained the lease on the space.
“It’s so good,” Whalen said of business thus far. “In terms of business, it’s low overhead, low staffing, easy maintenance, easy to clean, easy upkeep … We definitely say it’s cozy eclectic.
It’s been wonderful. It’s been really busy. I think we found a niche that wasn’t in Saratoga … A spot to get a good affordable cocktail and not need to buy food.
There is one food item, however, prepared from a crockpot behind the bar. The “walking taco” consists of Doritos or Fritos topped with chili, sour cream, cheese and avacado served in the chip bag. Vegan and gluten free options are available.
With a high markup on alcohol, Whalen felt a bar would eventually work there, on a street rife with bar seekers. She approached Zach VanEarden, a childhood friend about the venture.
“I knew he was really hard working. I just approached him and asked if he wanted to open a bar with me, and he jumped on it. It was him and his fiance, Lucy Rivas, who joined forces with me.
“We all have different strong suits. I have the back-end experience and experience with opening the brick-and-mortar service industry business. Zach has a lot of construction management experience. And Lucy has all the marketing experience.”
Zach is part of VanEarden Brothers Painting in Saratoga. The name came from his fiance, who’s given name is Lucero. “We all love it,” Whalen said of the business title.
The bar specializes in cocktails made not from brand names, but from quality, small-batch sources. The beers are craft beverages from area sources like nearby Druthers on Broadway. But people can get regular bottle of beer found elsewhere. In fact, one of the specials is “the Lucy,” a shot of whisky, vodka or tequila, serve with a beer—Pabst, Miller Light or Coors—for $8.
Lucy’s is open daily beginning at 5 p.m.
One of the owners is there at all times, Whalen said, and they also have two bartenders and a door man.
“If you’re looking for an eclectic cozy spot for an affordable cocktail in Saratoga, we’re your place to go,” she said.
Its Instagram and Facebook pages are at Lucysbarsaratoga and its website is Lucysbarsaratoga.com.